Helpful Info
Each child should bring a snack and water to learning group each week. (This is not a snack for the group, but a snack for himself/herself.)
Please make sure that your elementary and/or junior-high aged children wear footwear appropriate for gym class.
We have a mail folder system which we use, in addition to e-mail, to disseminate information. Sometimes learning group members also communicate through this mail folder system. There is a file folder box on the welcome table. In the box is a file folder for each family and teacher, plus one marked “Payments”. Members should check their file folders for papers each week. Learning group payments should be placed in the “payments” folder.
For some, but not all, junior high and high school classes, students need to purchase their own textbooks and/or books. You can find out which classes need a textbook/book purchase by reading the course descriptions. For the senior high art classes, students need to purchase their own art supplies. It is important that the students check the posted lists and come to the first class with their supplies.
Remember that we only meet for 20 weeks each year. We don’t meet on the first Wednesday of each month, but there are other times we don’t meet as well. Be sure to check the calendar for our complete schedule.
In case of snowy/icy weather, we will cancel classes if Twin Valley School District has a 2-hour delay or cancels school. So, listen to the radio, check the internet, or watch television to see if we will be having classes.